Warriors of Wisdom/ Guerreros de Sabiduria

A poem inspired by my amazing trip to India a few years ago.

Lockdown has me reflecting on many things and am trying to capture them.

Memory travel is at least something we can do at the moment.


Warriors of Wisdom 

Dappling shadows slipping over skin,

warmed yet protected from stinging sun.

Cruising on calming water,

leaves and branches, buds and blossoms.

The patchwork of lace, full of  life

hugging trunks, gnarled roots.

Warriors of wisdom, guardians of memory,

silent witness of people, place, fowl, and fauna.

Silent because we do not want to listen.

Trees in travancore Southern India

Guerreros de la Sabiduría

Sombras que se deslizan sobre la piel,

acalorado pero protegido del sol punzante.

Navegando en aguas tranquilas,

hojas y ramas, brotes y flores,

el mosaico de encaje lleno de vida,

abrazando troncos nudosas raíces.

Guerreros de la sabiduría, guardianes de la memoria,

testigo silencioso de personas, lugares, aves y fauna.

Silencioso porque no queremos escuchar.

Trees beside the river in the early morning, Southern India

Trees in Southern India

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1 Response to Warriors of Wisdom/ Guerreros de Sabiduria

  1. Angela Blacklock-Brown says:

    I like the poem which is very gentle and an aspect of India which is unexpected.

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